We were tasked with creating a participant-friendly website for the SEPTIC trial to demystify the complex aspects of the study and facilitate informed decision-making by potential participants.

The SepTiC research study is a significant initiative aimed at addressing three critical questions in the treatment of sepsis, a severe medical condition where the body's response to infection leads to organ dysfunction. The urgency of this research is underscored by the life-threatening nature of sepsis, which can have long-term physical and emotional impacts on survivors

Imperial College London

We created infographics to visually represent key trial aspects, such as the objectives, methodologies, and participant eligibility.

These infographics transformed complex medical data into accessible visual summaries, aiding in participant comprehension.

These visual tools help participants overcome doubts and fears regarding trial enrollment, also making the trial's processes and benefits more tangible and understandable.

The website was structured to present trial information ensuring participants could find relevant details without feeling overwhelmed.

The website and accompanying infographics are currently playing a critical role in helping participant engagement and understanding.

  • The visual tools helped break down complex trial information, making it more digestible for participants.

  • Simplified content likely contributes to a higher enrollment rate, as potential participants could make informed decisions with clarity.

  • The use of visual aids created a more user-friendly and reassuring environment for participants, reducing anxiety and confusion related to the trial.

The SEPTIC trial's success in participant engagement is currently being measured.

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