Case Study: Custom medical illustration

Apoteca Natura is a Network of Pharmacies with the mission of listening to and guiding people on their personal healthcare journeys. Their commitment is to put the Individual at the center of their work, respecting the human body and the environment in which it lives.

Custom medical illustrations for websites and mobile apps offer advantages, including clear storytelling and branding consistency. The client developed their first educational mobile application a year prior and to keep costs down, they used stock medical illustrations and animations to visualize their content. After the app was launched, it became clear that the stock images didn't effectively communicate the educational content, the illustrations had a variety of styles and colours that clashed with each other.

To improve the educational app with custom-made visual assets, our plan included replacing the stock images with custom medical illustrations and infographics that were created specifically for Apoteca Natura S.p.a.'s target audience and corporate identity.

Our process focused on attention to detail and color combination to create consistency between 2D and 3D work. Our customized medical illustrations eliminated the scattered appearance of unrelated styles and improved user experience. Users were more engaged and better informed, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Project type
Medical Illustration & Diagrams

Project management
J. Lazzerini

Lara Laghetto
V. Murgia

The upgraded educational app significantly improved the communication value, resulting in a more positive brand perception and increased user engagement. Overall, our carefully designed collection of images added significant value to the Apoteca Natura S.p.a. brand and helped them achieve their goals of educating their target audience and increasing user engagement.

Ready to take the next step?
We’ll work closely with you to create the custom illustrations that meet your specific needs.